How To Train Your Dog Not To Jump When Excited

If you're a dog owner, you know that one of the challenges of having a furry friend is dealing with their overexcitement. Dogs love to jump and show their affection, but it can be a problem when they do it excessively or in inappropriate situations. In this article, we'll discuss some tips on how to train your dog not to jump when excited and related problems and solutions.

How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump When Greeting People

One of the most common situations where dogs jump is when they greet people. While it's a sign of affection, it can be intimidating for some, especially children and the elderly. Here's how to train your dog not to jump when greeting people: 1. Teach them to "sit" - Train your dog to sit on command, and reward them when they do so. This will give them an alternative behavior to jumping when they're excited. 2. Ignore them - If your dog jumps on you or someone else, turn your back and ignore them. Don't give them any attention until they calm down and stop jumping. 3. Use a leash - If your dog is too excited when greeting people, use a leash to control them. Hold the leash short and close to your body to prevent them from jumping.

Related Problems and Solutions

Aside from jumping when greeting people, dogs can also jump when they're excited about other things, like going for a walk or playing fetch. Here are some related problems and solutions: 1. Jumping on furniture - If your dog jumps on furniture when they're excited, train them to stay off by using a command like "off" and rewarding them when they obey. 2. Jumping during playtime - If your dog jumps when they're playing with you, stop the game and ignore them until they calm down. Resume playing only when they're no longer jumping. 3. Jumping on visitors - If your dog jumps on visitors, train them to stay in a designated area, like a bed or a crate, when someone comes over. Reward them for staying put and not jumping.


1. Why do dogs jump when they're excited? Dogs jump when they're excited because it's a natural behavior that they use to show affection and get attention. 2. Is jumping a sign of aggression? No, jumping is not necessarily a sign of aggression. It's usually a sign of excitement and eagerness to interact with people. 3. How long does it take to train a dog not to jump? It depends on the dog and their level of training, but it usually takes a few weeks to a few months to train a dog not to jump.

Tips to Train Your Dog Not to Jump

1. Be consistent - Train your dog consistently and use the same commands and rewards to reinforce good behavior. 2. Use positive reinforcement - Reward your dog with treats, praise, and affection when they obey your commands and don't jump. 3. Stay calm - If you get excited or frustrated, your dog will sense it and it may make them more excited and prone to jumping. 4. Practice often - Practice training your dog not to jump in different situations, like at home, on walks, and when greeting people.


Training your dog not to jump when excited is an important part of responsible dog ownership. By using the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can teach your dog to behave appropriately and show affection in a controlled manner. Remember to be patient and consistent, and always reward good behavior. References: - - -